2019.01 -- 2021.12Mathematical theory and numerics for BEC,Sichaun ODPC,No.0082204151183 (PI,RMB 500,000,四川省千人计划项目)
2018.01 -- 2022.03Quntized Vortex Dynamics in Superfluidity and Superconductivity,NSFC,14th-唐庆粦 (PI,RMB 3 Million,国家青年千人计划)
2020.01 -- 2023.12The study on the mathematical theory and numerical methods for the ground states and dynamics of rotating dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,NSFC,No.11971335 (PI,RMB 520,000,面上基金)
2021.01 -- 2025.12Mathematical theory and numerical methods for quantum turbulence (PI,RMB 1.5 Million,"0-1 breakthrough" program)