Sep. 2004 -- Jul. 2008 School of Mathematical Science, Beijing Normal University Bsc
Sep. 2008 -- Jul. 2013 Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore Ph.D.
Jul. 2013 -- Aug. 2014 Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore Postdoc
Sep. 2014 -- Jun. 2016 Inria Nancy Grand-Est/Institut Elie Cartan De Lorraine, Universite de Lorraine Postdoc
Sep. 2017 -- now School of Mathematics, Sichuan University Professor
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics, University of California Visitor
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Visitor
Wolfgang Pauli Institute, University of Vienna Visitor
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese University of HongKong Visitor
Quantized vortices in superfluidity and superconductivity.
Models, Mathematics and Numerics for Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Artificial and absorbing boundary conditions for partial differential equations.
Numerics for (fractional) differential equations.
Multiscale methods for highly oscillating problems.
Computational and applied mathematics in general.
The 13th batch of academic leaders and reserve candidates in Sichuan Province, 2021.
The SiChuan Thousand Talents Plan (Young Professionals), 2019.
The National Thousand Talents Plan (Young Professionals, 14th), 2018.
Second Prize, The 11th EASIAM Student Paper Prize, 2014.
SIAM Student Chapter Certificate of Recognition, 2013.
Research Scholarship (2008-2012), National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Sep. 2017 -- Dec. 2020, Mathematical theory and numerical methods for models in quantum mechanics (PI, RMB 1.5 Million, Introduction of talent start-up funds).
Jul. 2018 -- Jun. 2021, Construction of intelligent auxiliary model of sentencing based on probability graph model, 2018YFC0830306-3 (Attend, RMB 1.51 Million, National key R & D program).
Jan. 2019 -- Dec. 2021, Mathematical theory and numerics for BEC, Sichaun ODPC, No. 0082204151183 (PI, RMB 500,000, Sichuan Thousand Talents Plan project).
Jan. 2018 -- Mar. 2022, Quntized Vortex Dynamics in Superfluidity and Superconductivity, NSFC, 14th-Qinglin TANG(PI, RMB 3 Million, National Thousand Young Talents Program).
Jan. 2020 -- Dec. 2023, The study on the mathematical theory and numerical methods for the ground states and dynamics of rotating dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, NSFC, No.11971335 (PI, RMB 520,000, National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program)).
Jan. 2021 -- Dec. 2025, Mathematical theory and numerical methods for quantum turbulence (PI, RMB 1.5 Million, 0-1
breakthrough program)